From the Mouth of a Child


Tonight, while driving home from dinner with my boyfriend and his family, my daughter busts out with, “Mom, I can’t wait for you to get your implants out!” I was totally caught off guard and while I hadn’t even had a chance to discuss my decision with my boyfriend’s family yet, I didn’t want to squash her feelings, so I asked her why she felt that way.

She said, “So that we can actually do things together, like go to Six Flags.”

I did everything I could to hold back tears. I hate knowing that she feels like we don’t do things together. In truth, we do. Maybe only the things we have to do like dance (which is exhausting when you have a kid on a competition team) and occasionally sneaking in fun stuff like movies and such.

She has only known me as sick. Not always as bad as I am today, but not far from it. She has seen me in the emergency room far more than a child should. Even more times, she has set in the chair beside me before or after having yet another surgical procedure done. She’s 12 now, and I feel like I have precious little time to spend with her before she goes off to college. I want to be able to do more than just be there for her when she needs me or get her to wherever she needs to be.

She obviously knows about the explant and is completely on board. She also knows about this blog and I asked her if she wanted to be in it and if she wanted to say something herself. She hastily agreed, so you’ll hear from her soon.